Thank you to everyone who has supported lifeTalks this year.
I’ve met some really lovely people and made new friends this year and I’m looking forward to more of this in 2017.
What we’ve been up to:
Developing Lifetalks
Writing new courses for:
Weight Management
Who am I?
Stress management

This coming year we’ll have more focus on Executive and Leadership Coaching and taking this to a wider audience. Amanda Hudson will be looking for Case Studies from January 2017 so please get in touch if you are a Manager/Leader/CEO (or HR manager) and would like to know more.

With nearly three quarters (72%) of employers reporting they have observed ‘presenteeism’  (CIPD) How much is it worth to your company to bring in an external coach to learn how to manage this?
In 2015/16 there were 25.9 million days lost to ill health! I’m sure that you can do the maths.
Speaking to a coach not only builds reliance but supports you to future plan.

This is only one aspect of Leadership coaching; There are many more so I would encourage to come and have a discussion to find out more.

We look forward to seeing you in 2017. Best wishes for a Happy and Healthy Future.