Thanks you to Lizard Pathways for this write up. 

Specialist Provider Profile: Amanda Hudson – Life MOT

There are a high percentage of our participants that are receiving support from Amanda, this specialist provision gives NLP therapy to our participants helping resolve issues that are causing them a problem.  So far this has shown a great benefit to participants, in particular with issues sleeping, PTSD, Pain management, anxiety, self-confidence and much, much more. We are fortunate to be able to facilitate these sessions at our offices in Pool one morning per week which  allows Amanda to see our participants in a familiar setting, which naturally relieves an element of anxiety at the onset.  We also use Amanda’s services in the Penryn / Falmouth area where Amanda’s own personal office is located.  The support given by Amanda has received nothing but praise receiving positive and encouraging feedback which has made a huge difference /benefit to participant’s lives.

See more here

If you are interested in knowing more about our work, please give us a call to discuss how we can support you.